Magic Slays
(The fifth book in the Kate Daniels series)
A novel by Ilona Andrews
This book, like most books, took a lot more time and effort than first anticipated. Many people have helped us along the way. We’d like to thank the following people for their help, patience, and expertise:
Anne Sowards, our editor—thank you for having faith in us, despite all evidence to the contrary;
Nancy Yost, our agent, for unwavering support and vicious fighting on our behalf;
Michelle Kasper, the production editor, and Andromeda Macri, the assistant production editor—thank you for transforming our manuscript into a book and for not psychically destroying us with your great mind powers because we missed deadlines;
Judith Murello Lagerman, the art director; Annette Fiore DeFex, the cover designer; and Chad Michael Ward, the artist, for creating a spectacular cover;
Amy J. Schneider, the copy editor, for her mad copyediting skills;
thank you very much to Kat Sherbo, Anne’s editorial assistant—the e-mails do not lie, we actually are crazy;
and thank you to Rosanne Romanello, the publicist, for always promoting our work.
We are also grateful to Skye and Aubrey, the best legal team the Pack ever had, for help with the shapeshifter real estate laws, and to Noa Rubenstein for assistance with interpretation of Roland’s fable. As always, our thanks go to our intrepid beta readers for their generosity and great suggestions despite being repeatedly tortured with half-baked drafts. Thank you, Beatrix Kaser, Ying Chumnongsaksarp, Reece Notley, Hasna Saadani, Jeanine Rachau, Michael Finn, and Chrissy Peterson.
Thank you to Jeaniene Frost and Jill Myles. You are great friends.
Thank you to Peter Honingstock for saving us a great deal of frustration by always helping us find the right resource books in record time.
Finally, we would like to thank each other for not murdering ourselves along the way, and A&E programming—when we get really depressed about our skills in our chosen profession, you always show us something even more depressing.
THE RINGING OF THE PHONE JERKED ME FROM MY sleep. I clawed my eyes open and rolled off my bed.
For some reason, someone had moved the floor several feet lower than I had expected, and I fell and crashed with a thud.Ow.
A blond head popped over the side of the bed, and a familiar male voice asked, “Are you okay down there?”
Curran. The Beast Lord was in my bed. No, wait a minute. I didn’t have a bed, because my insane aunt had destroyed my apartment. I was mated to the Beast Lord, which meant I was in the Keep, in Curran’s rooms, and in his bed. Our bed. Which was four feet high. Right.
“I’m fine. ”
“Would you like me to install one of those child playground slides for you?”
I flipped him off and picked up the phone. “Yes?”
“Good morning, Consort,” a female voice said.